
Economic Ordering Quantity


Economic order quantity (EOQ) is a calculation companies perform that represents their ideal order size, allowing them to meet demand without overspending. Inventory managers calculate EOQ to minimize holding costs and excess inventory.

What is economic order quantity with example?

Example of Economic Order Quantity

The shop sells 000 shirts each year. It costs the company $5 per year to hold a single shirt in inventory, and the fixed cost to place an order is $2. The EOQ formula is the square root of (2 x 000 shirts x $2 order cost) / ($5 holding cost), or 28.3 with rounding.

What is EOQ and its formula?

The EOQ formula is as follows. EOQ = Square root of [(2 x demand x ordering cost) / carrying cost] Demand. The demand remains constant according to the assumptions made by EOQ. The demand is how much inventory is used per year or how many units are sold per year.

How do you calculate economic order quantity?

Also referred to as ‘optimum lot size,’ the economic order quantity, or EOQ, is a calculation designed to find the optimal order quantity for businesses to minimize logistics costs, warehousing space, stockouts, and overstock costs. The formula is: EOQ = square root of: [2(setup costs)(demand rate)] / holding costs.

What is EOQ and its assumptions?

The EOQ model assumes that demand is constant, and that inventory is depleted at a fixed rate until it reaches zero. At that point, a specific number of items arrive to return the inventory to its beginning level. Since the model assumes instantaneous replenishment, there are no inventory shortages or associated costs.

Who uses Economic Order Quantity?

Role: The EOQ model is actively used by economists within companies to plan the operations because this quantitative model allows the significant rease of costs. Moreover, the model is based on the constant or regular pattern, and the total costs can be successfully predicted (Collier & Evans, , p. 243).

What are the factors that affect EOQ?

Factors that affect Economic Order Quantity
Reorder point. It is the time when you need to reorder another set of stock or replenish the existing stock. .
Purchase order lead time. .
Purchasing cost per unit. .
Stockouts. .
Quality costs. .
Demand. .
Relevant ordering cost. .
Relevant carrying cost.

What is EOQ and its formula Wikipedia?

The single-item EOQ formula finds the minimum point of the following cost function: Total Cost = purchase cost or production cost + ordering cost + holding cost. Where: Purchase cost: This is the variable cost of goods: purchase unit price — annual demand quantity.

How is EOQ important and how do you use it?

By definition, Economic Order Quantity is a formula used to calculate inventory stocking levels. Its main purpose is to help a company maintain a consistent inventory level and to reduce costs. EOQ uses variable annual usage amount, order cost and warehouse carrying cost.

Why EOQ is the best?

Advantage: Minimizes Storage and Holding Costs

The main advantage of the EOQ model is the customized recommendations provided regarding the most economical number of units per order. The model suggest buying a larger quantity in fewer orders to take advantage of discount bulk buying and minimizing order costs.

What are the limitations of EOQ?

Advantage: Minimizes Storage and Holding Costs

The main advantage of the EOQ model is the customized recommendations provided regarding the most economical number of units per order. The model suggest buying a larger quantity in fewer orders to take advantage of discount bulk buying and minimizing order costs.

What causes EOQ to increase?

EOQ will increase as the annual demand and the cost of ordering increase and it will rease as the cost of carrying inventory and the unit cost increase.

How Is Economic Order Quantity Calculated?

Economic Order Quantity is the ideal order quantity a company should purchase for its inventory. This order quantity is that order quantity which minimizes the total holding cost and ordering cost.

How Does Economic Order Quantity Work?

The single-item EOQ formula finds the minimum point of the following cost function: Total Cost = purchase cost or production cost + ordering cost + holding cost. Where: Purchase cost: This is the variable cost of goods: purchase unit price — annual demand quantity.


In stock management, Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is an important inventory management system that demonstrates the quantity of an item to reduce the total cost of both handling of inventory (Handling Cost) and order processing (Ordering Cost).

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